Men's Grade
Grade Winner: Checkers
Runner up: Formosa
Finals MVP: Fletcher Arnold – Checkers
Season MVP: Emiliano Guerra – Wildlife
MIP: Jacob Swan – Formosa
DPY: Thomas O’Brien – Checkers
3-Point Champ: Pip Johnstone – Checkers
Scoring Champ: Emiliano Guerra – Wildlife - 297 points
Men’s Grade Final 2023 Referees - Bryan, Bailey, and Tyler
Total teams: 5
Women's Grade
Grade Winner: Oldies but Goodies
Runner up: Hot Shots
Season MVP: Jorja Abernethy – Ashcoll
MIP: Shannon Stockdale – Rebels
DPY: Katie Carins and Liz Righton – Oldies but Goodies
Scoring Champ: Jorja Abernethy – Ashcoll - 197 points
Most Promising Player: Tia Double – NBS Dimes
Most Improved Team: NBS Dimes
Best defensive team: Oldies but Goodies
Final 2023 Referees – Kody and Cathleen
3rd v 4th Referees – Kody and Fotu
Total teams: 10
Intermediate Grade
Girls Grade Winner: The Jazz
Boys Grade Yr. 7 Winners: Stingers
Boys Grade Yr. 8 Winners: Green Beans
Referee Awards:
Most Valuable: Lily Rosevear
Most Improved: Charlotte Lennon
Most Promising: Isla Gilbert
Total teams: 21 - 6 girls’ teams and 15 boys’ teams
Miniball Grade
Social Grade
We have no current draw available
3 X 3 League
We have no current draw available